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Short Stories – Abhay Narayan Sapru

Short Stories

The Shepherd Boy
Becoming a Man Amongst Men

The chance encounter of a former Special Forces paratrooper and a shepherd’s son that alters the course of a life forever…..

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The Wrong Pass
An enthusiastic Commanding Officer takes his Special Force unit on their annual mountain training programme.

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In Cash or Kind
A Young Boy Repays a Debt with Information & Blood

The sun, a subdued orange ball, sank fast behind the Gagal ridge. In a matter of minutes, another day would end in the Kashmir Valley…

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ILL-MET by Midnight

In the early 90’s Militants of the United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) were in control of the state. The Indian Army launched operation Bagrang to regain command. During this time, a young captain is sent on a mission in the middle of the night, to track down a family involved in militancy.

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The Old Paratrooper
A Training Paradrop Over Rural India Takes a Twist

The ramp of the AN-32 air-craft slid hack, and those of us inside the plane glimpsed what at first looked like an empty void. A cold December wind rushed in and its deafening roar jerked us back to our impending jump.

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